Crossbow’s & Stonebow’s

A selection of Antique Crossbows, English stone and bullet bows, German stone bows, French and Italian stone bows.


Rather odd looking target crossbow. Assumed French, late 19th Century.

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German or might just be Italian? mid 18th century.

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Possibly Flemish Target crossbow, 18 century.

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As previous

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Rather stunning German hunting crossbow, Ivory inlay, very nice.

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Target crossbow, French, mid 18th century early 19th.

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Assumed German, fruit wood stock with inlay. Note the small loop on the front of bow, this was for a metal rod on the end of your boot. You also wore a heavy leather belt with two hooks on it. You caught the cord on the two hooks on your belt then using your foot hooked the loop and then pushed down to rest and charge your crossbow. Fine as long as you were sober!

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Heavy duty crossbow with a bolt container, assumed Germanic mid 18th century?

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crossbow man picture.

A rather nice picture of a crossbowman fitting the windlass to wind back the cord.

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crossbow charger.

for want of a better description this is a Goats foot crossbow or stonebow loader. Quite a rare item.

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mid 19th century English Crossbow.

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crossbow rear sight

close up of a rear sight, French? also shows a Hair trigger.

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Rather nice assumed French Target crossbow, late 19th century.

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French Target crossbow

assumed late 19th century.

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Flemish target crossbow mid 19th century.

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Air gun Manufacturers A-Z

A Abas, Acro, Acvoke, Air-o-matic, Airstar, American Luger, Ampell, Anschutz, Ansonia, Apache, Arms Corp B Barracuda, Benjamin, Boone, Brigand, Britannia, Brown, BSA, BSF, Bugelspanner, Bussey C Carolus, Certus, Champion, Cogswell, Crosman, Cub, CZ D Daisy, Dare Devil, Demon, Diana, Dolla E Eisenwerk, El Gamo Cadet, Elmek, Erma, Excellent F Falke, Famas, Farco, Feg, Feinwerkbau, Fionda, Flz, Footemaker, French Trainer, Fwb G Gallery, Gamo, Gem, Gem or Bergman, Gems, George Smith, German Air Rifle, Giffard, Greener Markings H Haenel, Hahn, Hakim, Hammerli, Haviland, Hawthorn, Healthways, Heanel, Hercules, Herinkan, HG, Howa, Hubertus, HW75, Hy Score I Indian J J Tonks, Jaguar, Joc, Jos, Junker, K K98, Kalamazoo, Kentucky, Kessler L Lanes, Langham, Lark, LD, Lincoln, Lindner, Loungue, Lov M Mahely, MAN, Marck, Marke, Markham, Mars, Mauser, Midland, Milbro, Millita, Monkey, Muskeeter, Mustang N Norica O Oklahoma, Olympic, Original, Oscar P Parker, Phantom, Pioneer, Plainsman, Pope, Predom Q Quackenbush R Record, Record-champion, Rochester, Roland, Rossi S Saxby, Schimel, Schmidt, Sears, Shark, Sharp, Sheriden, Skanaker, Smith and Wesson, Sportsman, Starfire, Stella, Sterling, Sussex Armoury, Sussex Arms, Swift T Targ Air, Tau, Taiyo Juki, Tell, Telly, Thunder Bolt, Titan, Tonks Crank, Trapmaster, Typhoon V Various Gems, VZ W Walther, Warrior, Webley, Westley, William Paul, Winchester, Winsel Y Yewa, Yunker Z Zamas, Zem

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Vintage airguns are antique or collectible airguns that are no longer in production or are considered rare or valuable.
Airguns are firearms that use compressed air or other gases as a means of propelling a pellet or BB. They have a long history, with the first recorded use of an airgun dating back to the 16th century.

Vintage airguns can be made of various materials, such as wood, metal, and plastic, and they may have different features and designs depending on the time period and manufacturer.
Some vintage airguns are single-shot, while others are repeaters that can hold multiple pellets or BBs.

Vintage airguns can be collectors' items and are often sought after by airgun enthusiasts and collectors. They can be valuable due to their rarity, age, or historical significance.
Some vintage airguns may be valuable due to the materials or craftsmanship used in their construction, or because they were made by a well-known manufacturer.

If you are interested in vintage airguns, it is important to handle them with care and caution. Many vintage airguns may not be safe to shoot, and they should be treated as decorative or collectible items rather than functional firearms.
If you are unsure about the safety or condition of a vintage airgun, you may want to consult with a professional gunsmith or airgun expert.